Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst
  • Asana Fujikawa: Ein kleiner Gott, der hilft, Sie und Ihre Geliebte in Ihren Nachtträumen zusammen reisen zu lassen, 2018. Photo: Tobias Hübel
  • Asana Fujikawa: Ein kleiner Gott, der hilft, Sie und Ihre Geliebte in Ihren Nachtträumen zusammen reisen zu lassen, 2018. Photo: Tobias Hübel

Asana Fujikawa

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The island location of the GAK served Asana Fujikawa as an associative starting point for her work: According to a Japanese folk saga, the Milky Way separates the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, which is why the lovers can meet only once a year. The ceramic figure Ein kleiner Gott, der hilft, Sie und Ihre Geliebte in Ihren Nachtträumen zusammen reisen zu lassen materialises such a romantic yearning. However it is fragile – and is supplemented by a drawing that explains how it has to be returned to the river after the end of the owner’s love. In a ritual of farewell, the unfired clay decays, the stone eyes and the shell heart, once taken from the Elbe, return wholly to nature.

As in much of her graphic and ceramic work, Asana Fujikawa processes mythological narratives here. In addition, her figures and their poetic titles represent universal questions and open up new associative spaces.

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Annual edition 2018/19

Ein kleiner Gott, der hilft, Sie und Ihre Geliebte in Ihren Nachtträumen zusammen reisen zu lassen, 2018
Ceramic, stone, shell, drawing on paper
Approx. 13 x 8 x 7 cm
5 unique works; sign., dat., num.

each Euro 952,–
incl. 19% VAT

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