In his artistic works, Rico Schalück (*1977, master student of Prof. Schäfer at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin) investigates serial processes and mechanized actions by developing “untypical” sequences that take the functional ad absurdum and shed new light on productivity. At the GAK he will realize an installation with laundry stands.
Natalie Wild (*1979, master student of Prof. Takeoka at the HfK Bremen and nominee for the Bremen Advancement Award for Visual Arts 2011), on the other hand, will present a new, space-related installation from her series of living sculptures at the GAK, in which actors from various professions perform “typical” actions in the exhibition space.
In the chronological sequence of an exhibition house, there is the moment between exhibitions when the previous presentation has been removed but the following one has not yet been set up. An in-between moment in which the rooms of the institution show themselves in their purest form. This time holds the possibility for events that develop a language independent of the institution’s programme. In order to create a platform for such events, the GAK makes its rooms available for concerts, performances, readings, fashion shows, book presentations, films and theatre on the first weekend after the exhibition closes. This results in an interdisciplinary programme that is particularly interesting for young artistic productions, which can test themselves here in an institutional setting.
As part of the series Frei.Zeit
Opening and performance: Sat 25.02.12, 6 pm
Exhibition: Sun 26.02.12, 11 am – 5 pm