A toilet cubicle into which one squeezes oneself alone or together. This is the subject of many writers. But it also inspired artists like Marcel Duchamp and Robert Gober to go into the gallery space with everyday objects such as a urinal or sink and confront the viewer with his or her intimate area. Christine Moldrickx also reacts with her ceramic objects to utensils from toilet rooms. In the basement of the GAK, a basement being the space where the toilets are usually located in public buildings, she mounts sinks and mirrors of fired and glazed clay on the walls. Some mirrors shine metallically and distort without reflecting a face. Others seem to be steamed up by the haze and show blurred traces of tags or graffiti. There are no taps above the sinks, and no drainpipes underneath to allow the sewage to run down into the sewers. Instead, there is a gaping hole at the bottom of the basin that has been “bombed in” by the artist’s head: the head as an agent of breaking open, destroying, breaking up. The whole system is broken, and it is only a question of, of –, (…)
Christine Moldrickx (born 1984 in Münster, Germany) studied at the art academies in Dusseldorf and Frankfurt am Main and completed her postgraduate studies at the Rijksakademie van beeldene kunsten in Amsterdam in 2016. She lives and works in Dusseldorf and Amsterdam.
The original duration of the exhibition was 14.03.-19.04.2020. As a result of a general decree of the Bremen Senate for the containment of the COVID-19 virus, the GAK had closed from 17.03.-08.05.20. “Ein Kopf” by Christine Moldrickx was extended until 28.06.20.
Project Space
GAK-Projekte is an exhibition series on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst.
Curated by
Regina Barunke
Sun 28.06.20, 11am
Guided tour through the current exhibitions with Sarah Maria Kaiser, Anne Storm, and the artist Christine Moldrickx
Beate + Hartmut Schaefers Foundation, Bremen
Special thanks to: Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen