Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst
  • Conor Gilligan: Core, 2013. Photo: Tobias Hübel (out of stock)

Conor Gilligan


The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, Grimm’s Snow White saga, everyday sayings such as “the apple does not fall far from the tree” – no other fruit in our culture has a more manifold symbolism and iconography than the apple. At the same time, this venerable motif is still a commonplace staple food, present in our daily life (“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”).

Conor Gilligan’s annual edition for the GAK unites these different aspects of the apple, standing at the crossroad of art and the everyday as an example of his artistic approach: He portrays the eaten apple core or scrap in bronze. None of the 119 castings in the series are alike. Each core is an original sculpture, one of a kind. But as a work of art they remain affordable through their serial production, of which the Cores for the GAK form a special segment.

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Annual edition 2013

Core, 2013
Dimension variable, approx. 7 x 3 x 5 cm
119 unique works; with certificate
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