For months, Daniel Maier-Reimer crosses deserted regions of the world unknown to him, on foot. The deliberate loneliness and unfamiliarity are making an unbiased view of the landscapes possible and leads to a few photographs that appear rather unspecific than typical. Maier-Reimer thus demands of photography something that usually exceeds the limits of the medium – a representation beyond the external appearance that seeks to depict the essence of things.
In the GAK exhibition Friendly Takeovers. Strategien der Raumaneignung, the artist was represented with the two photographs Iranreise 2008. His annual edition is closely connected to this work and consists of the last images of all 13 films exposed during his trip to Iran. As a by-product of his actual work, the motifs depicted create a free space for untypical representations (such as people or architecture) and are, for all their apparent purposelessness, peculiarly poetically charged.