Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)
  • Sanya Kantarovsky: o.T., 2013. (out of stock)

Sanya Kantarovsky

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Sanya Kantarovsky’s paintings and watercolours confidently play with painterly clichés. Within them, they consciously make use of anything and everything that is “not allowed” in this often so-called dead medium. They are, at once, decorative and melancholic, elegant and humorous, illustrative and abstract, retro and contemporary. As a result, they are refreshing, especially when they do not seem to care about the limits imposed from without. While the works initially seem seductively accessible, a closer look shows that they suspend any certainty about how things should be perceived.

Such is the case with the six watercolours for the GAK: A figure walks amongst large faces that shyly look away. Or a few people queue in front of a nondescript, abstract form. The works evade distinctions between representation and abstraction, formal lightness and contentual seriousness by playing off against each other with precision.

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Annual edition 2013

Untitled, 2013
Watercolour, bleach, chalk on paper (framed)
57,15 x 38,1 cm (sheet)
6 unique works; sign., dat.
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