Mariechen Danz is best known for her idiosyncratic performances with lavish costumes and music-laden actions. However, it would be wrong to call her a performance artist or to take her performances out of the context of her exhibitions. Rather, they develop on the basis of the exhibition presentations and form the final point within a processual working process.
At the beginning of Mariechen’s Danz Performances are drawings. The approaches formulated there lead her further into sculptures and room-like sculptures. Both steps can stand on their own within her artistic work, they are autonomous. The performance is the last step within this structure and has the task of activating the works presented in the respective exhibition, of spinning and deepening the developed thread of thought.
The performance Rhyme and Reason will not only be located within Mariechen Danz’s exhibition “cube cell stage” at GAK on May 24, but will also use, animate and change its various elements. Empty speech bubbles will be filled and cubes will become stages in the form of heaven and hell children’s games. Singing, written and spoken words, opulence and withdrawal, staging and improvisation, accessibility and closure, failure and success stand side by side on an equal footing, complement each other and merge into a precise whole.
A performance to the exhibition “Mariechen Danz. cube cell stage”.