Schrei der Natur is a multimedia performative project by Daniel Rossi (student of Stephan Baumkötter, HfK Bremen). Together with Malte Stiehl (student of Stephan Baumkötter, HfK Bremen) and Takuya Oshima (student of Albrecht Schäfer and Vlado Velkov, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin) Daniel Rossi develops a sound performance based on sound recordings from nature, combined with electronic sounds and self-made drum elements. In the sense of “back to the roots” a sensitization for the originality of animal sounds, other sounds from nature and ritual sounds takes place, which are simultaneously counteracted and modified by artificial, machine-made sounds.
The project Order by Norman Neumann (student of Natascha Sadr Haghighian, HfK Bremen) and Gustavo Méndez (student of Jean-François Guiton and Rosa Barba, HfK Bremen) stands for generative and electronic sound in the field of tension between command and order. In a performative experiment, Order allows fragile image and sound levels to be experienced in space. For this purpose, different sources of information are processed, sent and fragmentarily linked to new structures. In the process of the human command and its machine transmission and execution, a blurring is caused by translation and interpretation of information, which raises the question of the relationship between man and machine.
An event to the exhibition “Mooning”.
Two-part sound performance
Act 1: Schrei der Natur
Act 2: Order