Felix Dreesen: What do you think of: Exhibition walk with Till Krause and Felix Dreesen?
Till Krause: With your art and you together, I have in mind less the serenity of a walk, but more the intensity of an exploration, even more the burning of a search. Maybe we could call it that?
Till Krause lives in Hamburg and works with the artist project space GFLK Galerie für Landschaftskunst and in many other collaborations on ideas of urban and landscape spaces, including long-term projects such as “Freie Flusszone Süderelbe”, “Land für fünf finale Handlungen”, “Hamburgkartierung” or “illegalevecht”.
An event to the exhibition Felix Dreesen. Von Wolkenschäden
> Please register until 12.10.21 via office(at)gak-bremen.de