>>>>> REHEARSING COLLECTIVITY. Walking Performance ________ >>>>> is an open rehearsal of collective movement. It was preceded by a workshop on bodily practices within social movements with director, dramaturge and performer Liz Rech. Taking performative choreographies of gathering, such as marches, demonstrations or circle dances as starting point, the performance focuses on swarm principles as choreographic exercise of movement. >>>>> REHEARSING COLLECTIVITY. Walking Performance ________ >>>>> investigates how bodies can be staged in order to make an impact, and create space for action.
An event within the framework of Bubu Mosiashvili stories make worlds, worlds make stories
& the joint summer party Three’s A Party by GAK, Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst and KH Künstler:innenhaus
Tunnel between GAK and Weserburg
With kind support of Partnerschaften für Demokratie in Bremen, funded by Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend im Rahmen des Bundesprogramms Demokratie leben