On Sunday, 11.05, at 15h, Annette Hans, art director at GAK, will give a guided tour through the duo exhibition Erosion. Arranged: We sink, I stretch, you flow by Monique S. Desto and Klaartje van Essen:
Both artists share an interest in traces and moldings, friction, and dissolution. Desto’s primary medium is painting. Desto uses latex as a material, which adapts to the surface when painted, forms reliefs, and successively decomposes when exhibited. Van Essen works sculpturally, mainly with plaster and wax as well as with forms that she or others have already used, and extends this practice into drawing. The starting point for the approach that Desto and van Essen take in Erosion Arranged is the space of the GAK: Originally built as a warehouse, the works span between floor and ceiling, past and present, into the space and conditions of the building surrounded by water.
The tour will be in German