Till Krause (*1965, lives in Hamburg) examines how people deal with the urban and rural landscape surrounding them and how this can be read out concretely on site. His exhibition “Briesener Zootzen” at the GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst focuses on his multi-part work Achse Kiel-Hamburg and presents for the first time all the maps of this bundle in their entirety. For Achse Kiel-Hamburg he walked on an exactly straight line from Kiel city centre to his house in Hamburg-Altona. On his way he has noted various traces of civilisation in the landscape and meticulously transferred them into large-format maps or handwritten notes. In the GAK, the various elements of the Achse Kiel-Hamburg are placed in the overall context of Krause’s work, in that the artist has developed and integrated new works and staging details especially for this occasion.
During the film evening, Till Krause will present films by artists who were important for his own work – including films by Stanley Brouwn, Fischli/Weiss, Richard Long and Michael Snow. He will also explain why the film Achse-Kiel Hamburg was never made..
Films by Stanley Brouwn, Fischli/Weiss, Richard Long and Michael Snow, compiled by Till Krause
A film night to the exhibition “Till Krause, Briesener Zootzen”.