Mariechen Danz’s artistic work revolves around the mediation of knowledge in language and images, around codes of knowledge in which we all undoubtedly move, and around social hierarchies that can produce knowledge and apparent ignorance. The conversation between the artist and the curator of the exhibition at the GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Janneke de Vries, will introduce these issues.
Not only the GAK presentation “cube cell stage” will play an important role, but also excursions into older projects, biographical contexts or future plans will be undertaken. In view of Mariechen Danz’s artistic content, the structure of an artist’s talk itself is also under scrutiny – after all, there is the danger of establishing an apparent “knowledge of domination” that the artist and curator spread out before the ears of the audience…
A talk to the exhibition “Mariechen Danz. cube cell stage”.