Steps through stories – Collective walk along Waller Heerstraße (EN)
with Bubu Mosiashvili
> limited number of participants, please register via office(at)gak-bremen.de
nearly all types of honey crystallize
Guided tour with Victor Artiga Rodriguez & Dawoon Park (EN)
Documenting in Artistic Research
Binational Artistic PhD Program of HfK Bremen
On the HfK event and exhibition ship Dauerwelle
nearly all types of honey crystallize
Artists of the Binational Artistic PhD Program of HfK Bremen
Exhibition Opening
19 h speeches, 20 h concert by Christian Rosales Fonseca, Dj-Set and Honigbrot
Elke Gaugele & Mona Schieren
From Reparative Body Workshops to Public Performances. On Racial Trauma, Somatic Art Practice and Decolonial Healing (Anna Halprin 1969/Tabita Rezaire 2020)
Within the framework of publics&publishings
(English, hybrid)
Errant Journal: States of Statelessness
Irene de Craen and Michał P. Garapich
Within the framework of publics&publishings
(English, hybrid)
Worst fear, best fantasy
Workshop with Anna Witt
Within the framework of publics&publishings
Aller-retour et aller
Performance by Karolin Meunier
Within the framework of publics&publishings
What is Your Image of Welcoming?
– For the coming social transformation we will need places to party
Workshop with Bar do Amañha (Oliver Bulas & Félix Luna)
Within the framework of publics&publishings
(German, Portuguese, English, French, Spanish)
VALIE EXPORT, Ingrid and Oswald Wiener:
The Unspeakable Speaking
Film Screening
Zeitgenoss/innen. Gespräche zur zeitgenössischen Kunst:
Vom Alltag in der Kunst